
南風發展有限公司 於 1978 年成立以來,積極發展花卉園藝服務,提供優質月租植物及保養,亦為顧客設計及佈置園林。每年由美國入口聖誕樹,聖誕花及經銷農曆年桃花桔果。 Since its establishment in 1978, Nam Fung Development Ltd. has been providing excellent nursery services, for retail
N鮮花及禮籃 / 園藝及盆栽Nam Fung Development Ltd.

We provide professional floral service for all types of events including weddings, banquets, parties, church decoration, window display, exhibitions, fashion show, interior floral design for commerci
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花花道工作室

本店開業多年,專營各中西式、傳統習俗或宗教之靈堂佈置、訂造花牌、花圈、花籃等,由專人設計,款式齊備,莊嚴雅緻。 顧客亦可預訂親友追思輓聯、花籃 / 花牌擺設等。各款花籃、花牌可特別訂造設計,遠近送到,歡迎查詢。 花卉設計 中西花籃 祭帳壽衣 遠近送到 聯絡我們 地址 : 香港九龍紅磡溫思勞街 73E 地下 聯絡人 : 胡先生 電話 : (852) 2365 1636 傳真 : (852) 236

品名+ 價格 馬上買 H01 粉紅玫瑰+百合 $880.00 联络方法 24 hour hotline :82099774 FAX:2392 3608 email: [email protected]
C鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Chiu Kee Florist

Welcome to Peak Florist, providing fresh flowers and arrangements since 1972. We've been constantly working to be the best florist with the most extensive selection of fresh flowers. We take great pr

Floriade offers a wide range of flower arrangements in bouquets, baskets and an assortment of greenery and floral accessories that are all perfect for heartfelt expression at any occasion. Our floris

Sensation Galleria is the most sensational, inspirational and stylish French style flower shop in Hong Kong. The French style flower setting is originated from Master Christian Tortu in France. Sensa
鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球花道工作室

Floriade offers a wide range of flower arrangements in bouquets, baskets and an assortment of greenery and floral accessories that are all perfect for heartfelt expression at any occasion. Our floris

WEDDING Customer-made floral decoration is in great demand. Being familiar with local wedding venues, churches we have up-to-date knowledge of detail floor plan, venue setting & facilities provid
G鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Greenfingers Florist Co., Ltd

們的服務 Order Now Flower Shop OrderNowFlower.com ( 網上訂花 ) 是香港一個追上時代尖端既花網。 我們的服務除了提供歐,日特色花束, 恭賀花籃,絲花及乾花設計,生果禮籃,婚禮/教堂佈置外,更提供新娘化裝和攝影等等多項服務。 透過本( 網上訂花 ) 訂購任何產品,無論在香港任何地方,都會準時送到。( 網上訂花 ) 每個產品都是由我們既專業花藝設計師精心設
A鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Alive Floral & Decoration Co.

FB001白百合,白玫瑰,金松,青鐵葉,小米,尤加利葉,鐵線草 FB003白百合,白玫瑰,蝴蝶蘭,金松,青鐵葉,小米,尤加利葉,鐵線草 更多產品請瀏覽 www.flowerhut.com.hk

提供多款款式選擇,還提供其他雅緻花束 電話: 2380 6951(24小時熱線) 歡迎查詢
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花心怡花舍

In terms of flowers,Ming Florist specializes in the floral industry. We represent a new era of success in the millennium to reflect your sophisticated taste and class. All of our products are exclusi

<<Let' s place your order now >> Address: Shop 8, The Cascade, Standard Chartered Bank Bldg., No.4-4A Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. Telephone: 2139-3119 Fax: 3499-1611 Email: cs@orde
A鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Alive Floral & Decoration Co.

We provide professional floral service for all types of events including weddings, banquets, parties, church decoration, window display, exhibitions, fashion show, interior floral design for commerci
鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球花道工作室

JM Floral & Gifts 為您精心設計各款鮮花花束 / 各式果籃 / 開張花籃 / 帛事花籃 / 婚禮用花 / 宴會佈置 / 特色禮品 / 植物盆栽等.. 我們一直堅持優良的品質和優惠的價格 , 加上精心的設計 , 為您送上無限的祝福 . 讓我們為您傳情達意吧 ! 聯絡資料 聯絡人 : jm 電郵地址 : [email protected]

$650及$500 帛事花籃$300起。 歡迎致電查詢:(852) 2782 0482。 如想觀看其他款式請入:http://hk.geocities.com/lungboflower
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花龍寶花店

Wedding Package Imagine sparkling white marble, sensual coral pinks, calm blues, grand burgundy reds and through gracious windows, velvet greens. Imagine Parkview's exclusive setting to capture your
H結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Hong Kong Parkview

C12-白火百合+香檳太陽+白玖+王金魚草+王孔-$500 C14-白火百合+大象耳+白太陽+白玖+白乒乓球+白蘭+白孔-$600 C15-白葉牡丹+白太陽+白玖+大象耳+白百合+白孔-$800 C18-白火百合++白太陽+白玖+白乒乓球+白蘭+白孔-$1000 C26-王火百合+白玖+白珊瑚+王孔-$350 http://softgreenhouse.com/memoryflowerbasket
S鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花Soft Green House
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